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Author page: Ajay Maurya

Top AV Trends That Will Shape 2022

  Despite the trying times (or perhaps because of them), the AV industry finds itself constantly evolving and thriving. Whether it is automation, touchless technologies or remote AV monitoring systems, several Enterprise AV technologies are being adapted to the changing needs of organisations. Businesses in various sectors have adopted AV technology to ensure that…

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Choosing the Best VC Solution for Town Hall Applications

  Town Halls (or all-hands meetings), play a key role in engaging employees, discussing important topics, ensuring organisational alignment and encouraging two-way conversations between the management and employees. They also offer a platform for everyone to forge bonds, close communication gaps between management and the workforce and celebrate key milestones. However, running effective Town…

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Top Workforce Trends to Watch Out for in 2021 That Can Help Organisations Thrive

  A lot has changed in how we work and business leaders are unanimously realising that employee well-being and performance are inextricably interlinked. Most organisations recognise that they need to adopt technological advancements, manage the balance between alleviating employee stress, supporting individuals in isolation, and preventing staff exhaustion. Also, promoting a better work-life balance…

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Improving Usability and Reliability with Tighter Device Integrations for Soft VC Rooms – Featuring Zoom and MS Teams

  As organisations look to optimise their collaboration infrastructure, they seek a combination of features, flexibility and affordability that fits their business realities.   Hybrid work models are becoming the “new normal” With businesses now working from both office and home, digital team collaboration is here to stay. In today’s digitised environment,…

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