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Managed Services

av managed services

Match your business needs

With one of the most experienced and qualified support teams in India, along with our pan-India presence, Actis can provide a range of managed services to match your business needs.

Our experienced technicians help fulfill your support strategy and make sure that office-based or work-from-home teams stay connected and productive, wherever they may be. They also help your IT teams ensure that your infrastructure continues to create positive user experiences.

Remote and onsite helpdesk​

Remote and onsite helpdesk

We work with your IT team to create better user experiences with highly qualified help desk support. This means they have the freedom to focus on their core infrastructure while we help resolve customer assistance requests remotely or with an on-site presence.

Qualified staffing provision​

Qualified staffing provision

Need help with specialised staffing to support your AV, collaboration and other workspace infrastructure? We can assist by providing well qualified and trained on-site support staff.

Remote asset and rooms management​

Remote asset and rooms management

In addition to help desk services, organisations with a large number of UC and AV equipped rooms may need additional assistance with room management or pan-organisation asset management. Our team helps with hardware monitoring, preventive maintenance, software upgrades, room usage monitoring and more to maintain the health of your collaboration ecosystem.

We’ve built AV, Collaboration and Lighting infrastructure for leading global organisations

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Certified Provider of World-class Service and Support

CTS Logo

Actis Technologies helps organisations create smarter infrastructure for improved collaboration, human-centric lighting and simpler management of enterprise AV assets.

Our CTS Qualified AV specialists bring you world-class assistance for design, integration and support anywhere.

Need to know more about how our team can provide support for your organisation’s collaboration, AV or energy management infrastructure?

Get in touch for more info.

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