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Signature Teams Rooms

Maximise hybrid meetings
with Signature Teams

These are a new generation of rooms optimised specifically for hybrid meetings. They help create a more natural and equitable experience for a mixed audience of in-room and remote participants. Organisation can provide their teams with greater flexibility to participate remotely, and be seen and heard almost as if they are in the same room.

Microsoft Signature Teams Rooms follow an enhanced set of meeting room design and integration guidelines, which achieve better visibility, engagement and inclusive participation by even remote participants.

Actis helps businesses create Signature Teams Rooms at the highest standards for greater meeting flexibility. We’re a Microsoft-certified Teams Rooms partner, first to set up a Signature Teams Room in India.

Get in touch at 022-3080800 for a Live Demo.

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Creates enhanced hybrid meeting experiences

Creates equitable, rich experiences in mixed participant meetings (where people are present both in-person and remotely.

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Achieve True One-touch Join for rooms

Intelligent sensors and controls are integrated so one touch prepares the room (lighting, HVAC, display) and not just a video call

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A more inclusive experience for everyone

Front Row display presents remote attendees up front and at the same eye-level as in-room participants.

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Simultaneously view all meeting aspects

The use of a 21:9 aspect ratio display provides enough space to project content, remote attendees and chat space at all times

World class integration and support with Actis

Actis provides your team with world-class design, integration, maintenance and support services that help maximise ROI.

Benefits of Signature Teams Rooms for Businesses

Enabling flexibility and inclusive participation for all meeting participants

  • Front Row layout creates better eye contact and visibility for everyone in hybrid meetings
  • True one-touch join controls that get the entire room environment ready, and not just the video call
  • Curved or wedge-shaped table so in-room participants can see each other and remain face to face with virtual participants
  • AI-powered intelligent cameras bring automated video framing and speaker tracking for more natural engagement
  • Quicker to deploy, more flexibility in choice of devices and lower costs than telepresence rooms from the past

Custom-built for better experiences in hybrid meetings

  • Works best with a 21:9 display so video, chat and content can be seen side-by-side
  • Intelligent wide-angle camera that is placed closer to room participants
  • Allows coordinated join with Surface Hub 2S whiteboard in Teams calls
  • Wide range of Certified devices from leading hardware partners
  • Use of sensors and control system for lights, AV, HVAC and VC system
  • All elements – including devices, software and cloud are secured by design

World class support via Actis Technologies

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Key features of Actis-integrated Signature Teams Room

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Large 21:9 display shows people, video, chat and content simultaneously
Intelligent AI wide-angle camera frames participants perfectly
Touch-screen full-room controls for “True” one-touch join
Coordinated join lets Surface Hub 2S share whiteboard content

We’ve built collaboration infrastructure for leading global organisations

Choose Actis for World-class Meeting and Presentation Solutions

Actis Technologies helps organisations build a better meeting and presenting infrastructure for their teams. We apply over two decades of design and build experience to help ensure your team achieve your strategic business objectives.

What we offer clients?

Need to know more about Signature Teams Room for your organisation? Our specialists can help with design, integration or support services.

Get in touch for more info.

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