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Guest Room Controls

Elevate visitor comfort
with smart Guest Room

Enhancing the experience for guests away from home is a high priority in the hospitality industry. Technology can play a role in this by making rooms more intuitive to live in and delight guests with the convenience this creates.

Actis’ Guest Room controls have the ability to intuitively and conveniently manage the room environment – for instance lighting, music and control over television – which plays an important role in making guests comfortable.

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Enhanced guest comfort

Provides guests with powerful control and customisation of many aspects of the room environment – lighting, shades, HVAC, etc.

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Personalised entertainment

Give guests access to wider entertainment options, varying from digital content provided by the hotel and the ability to enjoy content from their own devices and services

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Optimised energy use

Improved visibility to energy usage and smart energy management across all guest rooms with the use of occupancy-based sensors

World class integration and support with Actis

Actis provides your team with world-class design, integration, maintenance and support services that help maximise ROI.

Experiences that smart Guest Room Controls can create

User-friendly guest room controls for hospitality and residential clients

  • Simple, intuitive room controls which help create a comfortable, familiar environment.
  • Preset lighting system to tweak the ambience in the room and for different times of day
  • Allow guests access to a wide variety of entertainment content – music, movies or TV
  • Air-conditioning / motorised shade control to adjust the environment for comfort

Enhance visitor comfort with enhanced in-room controls

  • Staff can remotely personalise the room experience with minimum disruption of guest privacy
  • Room settings can be checked and managed to prepare for new guests
  • Centralised control of room lighting, shades, and temperature to reduce energy consumption and costs

World class support via Actis Technologies

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Key features of Actis-integrated Guest Room Controls

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Flat panel display
Motorised Shade
Ceiling mounted speakers
Intelligent Lighting
WI-FI Touch Screen Panel

We’ve built collaboration infrastructure for leading global organisations

Choose Actis for World-class Specialised AV Solutions

Actis Technologies helps organisations build a better meeting and presenting infrastructure for their teams. We apply over two decades of design and build experience to help ensure your team achieve your strategic business objectives.

What we offer clients?

Need to know more about Guest Room Control AV Solutions? Our specialists can help with design, integration or support services.

Get in touch for more info.

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