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Lighting Control Systems Go Wireless in the Enterprise

  In the ever-evolving landscape of enterprise spaces, technological integration has become a cornerstone of efficiency and sustainability. As sustainability has become increasingly important to organisations, wireless lighting control and management systems have come to the fore. Not only do these systems bring improved efficiency in energy consumption by eliminating wastage, but they also…

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Types of Meeting Room Tables – Which is Best Suited to Your Meeting Needs?

  In today's fast-paced business environment, meetings have become essential for effective communication, collaboration, and decision-making. A crucial factor that can significantly impact the success of a meeting is the choice of the conference table.The right type of conference table can foster engagement,enhance productivity, and create a comfortable environment for participants.   …

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Choosing the Best VC Solution for Town Hall Applications

  Town Halls (or all-hands meetings), play a key role in engaging employees, discussing important topics, ensuring organisational alignment and encouraging two-way conversations between the management and employees. They also offer a platform for everyone to forge bonds, close communication gaps between management and the workforce and celebrate key milestones. However, running effective Town…

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Improving Usability and Reliability with Tighter Device Integrations for Soft VC Rooms – Featuring Zoom and MS Teams

  As organisations look to optimise their collaboration infrastructure, they seek a combination of features, flexibility and affordability that fits their business realities.   Hybrid work models are becoming the “new normal” With businesses now working from both office and home, digital team collaboration is here to stay. In today’s digitised environment,…

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