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Dispelling 4 Myths About AV in Huddle Spaces

A wide array of collaborative tools has noticeably increased employee productivity in office spaces and enhanced customer relationships, globally. In recent years, there has been credible proof that deploying collaboration applications has improved interoperability, expanded collaboration transcending physical barriers, and improved the user experience especially in virtual meetings.Why huddle spaces make the best collaboration areas?…

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Video Collaboration for Huddle Rooms

Lifesize Icon 450 – Effortless Video Collaboration for Huddle Rooms

Starting a video meeting should be effortless. In our conversations with prospective customers, we have often been asked to integrate an easy-to-use and hassle-free video communication solution. This is exactly where the Lifesize Icon 450 huddle and conference room video collaboration shines. The Lifesize Icon 450 is a simple, scalable way to deploy integrated,…

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Why the Logitech Group video conferencing system makes sense in your business

Logitech conferencing solutions are changing the way teams collaborate, opening new possibilities for global communication. Over the last few years, the company is empowering groups to collaborate anytime and anywhere with versatile products designed for small to large-size rooms.One of the brands most sought-after products is the Logitech Group – a powerful video conferencing solution…

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Top 6 ways collaboration technology can benefit your business

Agile collaboration technologies have quickly become a necessity for businesses in every vertical. The ability to streamline communication and collaboration efforts between remote and in-house teams and stakeholders provides companies with multiple benefits that translate to greater success.Collaboration technology empowers teams scattered across the globe to work together in real-time to solve problems and perform…

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huddle room

Top 5 must-haves for a great huddle room

In the yesteryears, businesses often focused on designing one or two boardrooms packed with the latest technologies. With office infrastructure costing a premium, the average workplace appears to be shrinking. Today, the conferencing and office AV trend in enterprises have moved towards creating multiple small huddle rooms.Huddle rooms are meant for collaboration and designed for…

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Growing need for huddle rooms

In the yesteryears, businesses often focused on designing one or two boardrooms packed with the latest technology, to make an impression on potential clients and new joinees. Today, the conferencing trend in enterprises has moved towards creating multiple small huddle rooms.With office infrastructure costing a premium, the average workplace appears to be growing smaller. This…

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