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Video Conferencing 101: Best practices and tips

In today’s business, video conferencing, be it with key internal stakeholders, potential investors or customer, is typically a part of most team’s work day. Quite often, employees are unable to fully harness the benefits of video conferencing. This could be due to several reasons ranging from lack of know-how or complex user interface of communication tools.

Our blog today discusses a quick-and-easy list of video conferencing best practices to ensure your next video conferencing session is successful and more importantly, productive.

Ensure stable internet connectivity

Fast and stable internet connection is one of the single most important aspects of video conferencing in today’s scenario. Slow connectivity leads to a poor conferencing experience with erratic audio and visual disruptions. If you are using a laptop, try to utilize an Ethernet (LAN) cable to ensure a stable internet connection. When wireless connectivity is your only option, opt for secure connectivity with password protection and advanced encryption.

Ensure uniform lighting with minimal glare

Good lighting is a crucial component to any successful video conference. Poor lighting conditions can leave you in the dark. Always test drive your video conferencing equipment before important calls, especially for lighting. Natural lighting is a great substitute, however, ensure that the participant on the other side is not distracted by it due to glare. Modern lighting control systems can significantly improve the overall conferencing experience.

Ensure great audio fidelity

Audio is an extremely important component of video conferencing. If your guests cannot hear you well, the viability of the meeting begins to drop exponentially and this may lead to frustration within both parties. Using a professional-grade microphone ensures better quality audio transmission than built-in microphones on laptops or desktops. Apart from this, the proper use of the mute functionality significantly reduces unwanted disturbances during calls.

Ensure to keep time zones in mind

As the world becomes ever more globalized, it is quite common to be participating in conference calls with individuals who are in different time zones than your own. Ensure to select a time that works for both the parties involved. Timezones are even more crucial to keep in mind while sending calendar invites. Selecting the wrong time zones could lead to confusion and seriously affect productivity.

We hope that you found these video conferencing best practices easy and helpful. Follow Actis technologies for the best AV tips, tricks, and best practices.

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1 Comment

  • Prasanta Shee
    Posted March 10, 2017 at 2:27 pm

    By following above mentioned points and using tools like webex, R-HUB HD video conferencing servers etc. one can conduct effective video conferences.

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