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Our CSR Initiatives

Community Building

At Actis, we believe in making this world a better place by creating opportunities for all members of our community.

We support genuine causes in various cities

Assisting underprivileged children

We help eliminate malnutrition and support their primary education, which we consider a basic right of every child

Improving healthcare infrastructure access

We aim to make better health services accessible to those who need it most, thus ensuring their health and well-being
Mumbai CSR


We donated 2 wheelchairs and 9 food kits to assist physically challenged persons at the Asmita Social, Cultural and Educational Trust
Bangalore CSR


We provided groceries to an orphanage home, Jeevitha Anathashram, which supports 75 orphans and semi orphans
Chennai CSR


Visited the Chakra Old Age Home Seva Trust and provided new linen including 13 winter blankets and 13 bath towels for residents
Gurgaon CSR


Assisted the National Association for the Blind by providing cash and groceries to support their members

Our Most Notable CSR Programs Over the Years


Actis provided defibrillator machines for cardiac emergencies

Actis provided defibrillator machines for cardiac emergencies​

Actis provided defibrillator machines for cardiac emergencies

Equipped the hospital with ECG machines to monitor the heart’s health​

Equipped the hospital with ECG machines to monitor the heart’s health

Installed Multiparameter Patient Monitors for real-time monitoring of the patients​

Installed Multiparameter Patient Monitors for real-time monitoring of the patients

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Life Saving equipment provided

What we did?

Actis showed its unwavering commitment by providing life-saving equipment including a Defibrillator Machine, ECG Machines and Multiparameter Patient Monitors to BhaktiVedanta Hospital and Research Institute

How it helped?

*Numbers as of February 2022


Dialysis machines provide support to patients suffering reduced kidney function

Dialysis machines provide support to patients suffering reduced kidney function​
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Dialysis machines installed

What we did?

Actis has invested in improving support for patients by providing four life-saving dialysis machines at the Bhaktivedanta Hospital and Research Institute (Mira Road, Mumbai)

How it helped?

*Numbers as of February 2022


(1) A fully equipped ambulance was donated to Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mira Road
(2) The ambulance provided support in the Kolhapur and Sangli floods (July 2021)

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Cardiac Ambulance donated

What we did?

As part of its CSR efforts, Actis donated a state-of-the-art Cardiac Ambulance For BhaktiVedanta Hospital and Research Institute

How it helped?

*Numbers as of February 2022


Team Actis worked together to refurbish the exteriors of an Anganwadi in Virar

Team Actis worked together to refurbish the exteriors of an Anganwadi in Virar​

Our team, students and the teachers got to meet once the renovations were completed

Our team, students and the teachers got to meet once the renovations were completed​

The student-teacher interactions resumed in a completely refurbished learning space

The student-teacher interactions resumed in a completely refurbished learning space​
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The Actis Anganwadi Support Program with United Way

What we did?

Actis supported infrastructure refurbishment of 12 Anganwadis (courtyard shelters for 0-6 year old children) at Virar in North-Western Mumbai. This was undertaken as part of Project Ankur and conducted by United Way

How it helped?

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Team Actis continues to seek and participate in more opportunities to give back to our communities