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Meeting Post-COVID Part #1: How to enable Touchless Collaboration at work — Wireless Presentations

Amidst the unprecedented times, and changes precipitated by the COVID-19 crisis, companies are now getting ready to re-open offices, and welcome back employees, to the new normal at work.

After figuring out how to get work done in lockdown with employees working from their homes, it’s now time to build a solid roadmap for what needs to be in place as people start getting back to the office with germ-spreading machines in tow (the hands)

Reinforcing safety protocols, and an efficient process is a good start

Getting your workplace ready post-COVID-19 definitely poses serious upheavals. To recover the business and sustain the recovery, a handy checklist for reopening the office can really help.

post covid
  • Making wearing masks mandatory
  • Keeping tissues handy
  • Disinfecting room surfaces
  • Promoting good respiratory hygiene
  • Encouraging regular hand wash
  • Restricting the number of people in elevators and reconsidering physical space
  • Providing disposable paper mats for limiting surface touch
  • Making mental health considerations

Another important aspect is to ensure your employees do not feel overwhelmed or paranoid when they return to the office and re-adjust – an obvious pitfall, with increased provoked social stigma around the Corona pandemic, staggered working hours, and shift in habits and norms.

An effective return-to-office strategy, mobile teamwork solutions, and hands-free technology are what you need, to make navigating the workplace efficient, easier, and safer.

Besides infection control measures and phased approach, collaboration, efficiency, and wellbeing should be the focal point of any return-to-office strategy.

Promoting touchless collaboration by incorporating wireless presentation systems

For the present the success of businesses lies in a people-centric safety approach and empowerment with touchless technology at work for collaborations, meetings, onboarding, training, and conferencing – to avoid unnecessary contact and make responsible choices.

Already, touchless interactions have gained considerable attention and acceptance in everyday areas of shopping, take-outs, and banking to name a few.

Now more specifically, as employees return to the office spaces and gear up to head for the meeting rooms, to collaborate and interact – there could be serious concerns as those meeting rooms and conference halls can be hot spots for contagion.

That’s where touchless collaborative meeting solutions come handy as a workplace transformational tool, in conjunction with embracing the WELL building standards.

One of the key areas of concern for organisations and individuals is the handling of equipment and cables by many people. While sanitisation protocols will undoubtedly help, this becomes easier for the facilities staff to ensure if contact itself is minimised. Wireless presentations system help reduce the use of the connectivity interfaces and cables, while simultaneously making it easier to connect quickly.

Crestron AirMedia® 2.0 is one such touchless collaboration device. Connection and integration are much easier with this secure wireless system for collaboration.

Here is a brief overview of the Crestron AirMedia AM-200 Presentation System.

Here is a brief overview of the Crestron AirMedia AM-200 Presentation System.

This wireless presentation platform is a powerful enabler that eliminates touch and enables people to bring their personal devices to meeting rooms, share content, host, control occupancy, keep the presence-disparity in check, and attend collaborative meetings while observing the 6-ft apart social distancing guideline to keep people safe.

With a display that clearly shows your presence, as you set foot in the meeting or conference hall, it also displays the meeting name, organizer, and time slot. Apart from the in-person meeting, it also confirms the attendance of the participants who are working from home.

8 things that make wireless presentation systems simple and reliable

  1. Easy as 1-2-3, all you need is a few clicks, taps, and swipes and you are good to go. No clunkiness when it comes to wireless sharing from your device.
  2. Large-scale collaboration and virtually touchless meetings are now possible at the click of your finger, with no touching any device or cable.
  3. It makes it easy to communicate essential information to the meeting participants with great video content or presentation.
  4. The wireless presentation systems come with secure endpoints and complete application control, ensuring optimal experience.
  5. It allows you to configure the system or the peripheral devices to automatically power on and off based on occupancy or the required business hours.
  6. It gives you complete peace of mind with its power-saving capabilities, as conference rooms will be operational when you require them to be.
  7. It enables you to streamline office management, with the built-in feature to check meeting room availability, and send out crucial information.
  8. The robust non-contact, collaborative tools roll out engaging signage and messaging experience, lending a sliver of fun and normalcy to a workplace post-pandemic.

Excited and nervous about back-to-work plans?

It is crucial to remember that regardless of 3 months or 13 months, businesses have to adapt to the whirlwind of COVID-19 and learn to implement technologies, for the smooth functioning of the collaboration-intensive industry.

back to work plans

Life may not return to what it was pre-pandemic or for that matter the hallway conversations, but we need to move forward and technical ingenuity will be our best facilitator in the long march against adversity.

Leveraging the technology for post-COVID touchless collaboration is one giant leap in the considerations for your office re-opening plan, alongside following the Coronavirus workplace guidelines.

For more information on Touchless Collaboration – Get in touch with Actis Technologies at 022-30808000 or at