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Media Architecture Trends to Look Forward to in 2020

2020 is expected to be the year of interactive public areas, with architecture moving towards weaving physical and digital worlds together to create immersive experiences.

As technology has become an indispensable part of our lives, the integration of both the physical and digital worlds becomes an intricate task. Thanks to Media Architecture, a rapidly emerging practice, digital installations are being treated as thoughtful, well-designed, and purposeful architectural materials.

media architecture

Motion-activated media architecture uses digital activations to reflect the movement of humans in an environment.

AVIXA (the audiovisual and integrated experience association) discusses some of the trends that are driving Media Architecture.

1. Reactive and Motion-Activated Media

Reactive and motion-active media architecture helps in improving the natural energy of an area. These creations reflect human movement while delivering surprising and attractive experiences to employees, the public and passersby.

2. Interactive Media

Interactive media architecture takes a step beyond reactive design by allowing users to actively access deeper levels of content or a wide range of responses. It supports personal, powerful connections that are important to brands, employers and institutions.

3. Data-Driven Media​

While interactive and reactive premise designs respond to an individual, data-driven media can activate a connection with the behavior of an institution as a whole. In this concept, the data drives the transformation of the abstract brand essence into attractive visual stories, which can establish a bond with each individual present in the area.

4. Custom, Epic-scale Media

Custom, epic-scale media architecture offers an absolute blend of media and architecture by advancing new-age displays from the traditional 16×9 screen format into innovative and custom form factors. New technologies are allowing designers to tailor media for a highly-specific environment, and to coordinate and innovate with different unusual canvases on a large scale.

These insights from AVIXA give us a sense of how the latest developments in audiovisual technology are being applied to thoughtfully created media-driven spaces across the world. The form and texture, through which digital media is present within public spaces, are evolving fast, and it’s clearly here to stay.

Read the complete article – Transforming Places Into Experiences: Media Architecture Trends for 2020

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