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Businesses are moving to the cloud as never before. Large enterprises as well as small and mid-sized companies are benefiting from the adoption of the latest communications and collaboration technologies in the cloud with no upfront investment.

While the adoption of cloud-based video conferencing has several benefits, cloud computing also has its own set of challenges. The main concern that many businesses have is related to security, especially data protection and privacy and loss of control.

This article discusses the several challenges associated with security for cloud-based video conferencing and how organisations can remove these barriers by adopting solutions that implement security as a key tenet.

During a video conference, sensitive information and data travels across internal and external public and private networks, where it is susceptible to security violations. There are some key aspects of cloud security that are extremely important for video conferencing customers.

These include:

1) Information Protection: A multi-user video conferencing cloud shares applications and resources. This presents inherent risks. Video conferencing cloud providers must take all the required steps to protect the integrity of the data and information being exchanged before, during, and after the meeting.

2) Privacy: Service providers must ensure that all critical customer data, such as credit card numbers is masked or encrypted and that only authorized users have access to sensitive information. Besides this, the digital identities and credentials of users must be protected. This applies to any data that the provider collects about customer activity in the cloud.

3) Physical security: Cloud video conferencing service providers must ensure the physical security of the data centers and the IT hardware against unauthorised access and theft. They should also ensure redundancy and failover to minimise the possibility of service disruption.

4) Endpoint Integrity: Because video conferencing services originate in the cloud and are then used on-premises, the security, compliance, and integrity of the endpoints involved must be a part of any security consideration.

5) Identity and Access Management: Users have multiple access points. Local, remote, and mobile users need easy access to video conferencing services with strong authentication controls that do not compromise their identities.

According to Frost & Sullivan research, 50% of businesses in the United States are now using public cloud services. Also, video conferencing is becoming a key application that is migrating to the cloud. As with any other technological shift, customers should carefully evaluate all the benefits and risks when adopting cloud video conferencing services.

A holistic security framework is becoming essential for most organisations that are adopting public cloud services for greater efficiencies and cost considerations.

So, now you know the main security risks associated with cloud video conferencing and why service providers should factor in security concerns when setting up cloud-based video conferencing. Here’s to seamless and safe video collaboration!

For more information on how you can set up secure cloud-based video conferencing, contact Actis at 022-30808080 or at

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